Wardrobe-Fix specialises in the replacement of mirror and glass wardrobe door panels. Whether your mirror door was broken by accident or through a fault in the construction of the door or wardrobe, we can replace it! Using only the best glass in Australia which meets strict Australian Standards for domestic and commercial use in wardrobe doors, we can give you the peace of mind that your new glass will be the same or if not better than the glass that was previously fitted to your door. Generally issues caused by poor construction my need to be rectified at the same time so our wardrobe technician will provide you with their best advice when quoting on your replacement mirror or glass.
Call us (08) 8387 9699Over the past 50 years there have been many different wardrobe door systems developed, all of which have varying construction methods. This means that although having your mirror or glass door panel replaced by just anyone might seem like a good idea, it may cost you again in the future. Wardrobe-Fix guarantee the structural integrity of your door when we replace the mirror or glass for the life of the repair unless advised otherwise. On a weekly basis we come across mirrored and glass wardrobe doors that have been replaced in the past that fall apart or break again due to incorrect and extremely hazardous replacement methods. Protect your family and your finances, choose Wardrobe-Fix for your replacement mirror or glass wardrobe door panels.